Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Poem. "Surprise."

I wrote this one this morning thinking about many different things that the Lord has been doing in my life lately. I had received a prophetic word two or three weeks ago that said that the Lord would be shifting my paradigms and shifting my life -- and He had been whispering to me about "Rain comes down from Heaven // Flowers spring up from the Earth" [ie. seasonal changes] for some time now...

As I thought about that, I remembered something that C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter to Mary Willis Shelburne (see Yours, Jack, 309) about how his wife had sensed Jesus on her shoulder, and how she was worried that she might have some unrepentant sin in her life... but when she turned around to see Him, He had a blessing in His hand and a smile on His face.

Jesus keeps looking at me with this mischievous (but good) smile on His face, and I know that He has, as He told the Lady Julian, a "great goodness" in store. This poem is an expression of that reality -- that we serve a God who loves to bless us and surprise us, both in little and in big ways!

Every morning is a new sunrise
Every day is a new surprise
Whether it is seen by amber skies
or captured within amber eyes

Sometimes I can sense Him behind me
      waiting for me to turn around
and when I do – flinchingly, hesitatingly –
      I see Him there with a smile not a frown
and eyes
which say: “Surprise!” 

I wake up and see the Sun
or when I go to walk or jog or run
Everywhere glorious hiddenness is being revealed
Everywhere beautiful surprises are being unconcealed
Sometimes His Spirit comes to me
      and says “I have something to share”
and when I listen – wrestling, afraid –
      I hear Him speak things good, beautiful, and fair
and sighs
which say: “Surprise!”


1 comment:

  1. Thanks! It was something that the Spirit keeps doing to me lately... It's like He springs up out of nowhere and says "HEY! Check *this* out!" -- He's a lot more joyous than we make Him out to be...
